Format Details
Divisions & Genders
- Male
- Female
Age Groups
- 50 – 54
- 55 – 59
- 60 – 64
- 65 – 69
- 70 -74
- 75 – 79
- 80 – 84
- 85 – 89
- 90+
- Recurve
- Compound
- Fixed Pin
- Barebow
- Traditional Recurve
- Traditional Long Bow
- Para Divisions as Needed
Competition Rules & Format
Competition format:
- Vegas 600 Round
Shooting Rules
- Each end (time period to shoot three arrows) shall be 2 minutes.
- Archers shooting first will shoot the lower target face positions.
- An archer shooting before the whistle signaling a 2-minute end or after the time has lapsed will lose their highest scoring arrow or arrows equaling the number of errant arrows shot.
- One arrow is allowed per spot on a three-spot target face. If there is more than one arrow in a single spot, you will lose your highest scoring arrow or arrows in that spot.
- If more than 3 arrows are shot during an end, only the lowest 3 arrows will be scored. A penalty of one point and one x (if applicable) will be assessed for each additional arrow shot. Misses or zeros will be counted as lowest arrows.
- If an archer shoots less than three arrows in one end and retires from the line, he/she may shoot the remaining arrows if the omission is discovered before the end is officially completed and the line has not been cleared; otherwise they shall be scored as misses.
- An archer who purposely disfigures a target face to improve aiming or for any other reason may be disqualified. Arrow holes may be repaired, provided there is no delay to the round.
- Targets will be replaced with a new face as needed.
- Any archer conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner will be immediately disqualified and removed from the site.
- Peak compound bow draw weight shall not exceed 60 lbs.
- Maximum arrow shaft diameter allowed will be 0.422 inches, with a point diameter not to exceed 0.425 inches. The shaft diameter will include any wrap placed on the arrow and will include the size of the nock and the nock insert.
- If the arrow wrap, nock, or nock adapter exceed 0.422 inches and are embedded in the scoring area, the arrow shall NOT be scored and will be reshot.
- Any equipment that impairs the hearing of the competitor, such as electronic voice communication devices, headsets or noise reduction devices will not be allowed on the shooting line.
- Any archer that is hearing impaired must notify officials prior to shooting.
- Arrow twirling will be permitted as long as it is not disruptive or dangerous to other archers or the event. A warning may be given by a tournament official if the twirling or handling of an arrow is deemed as disruptive or dangerous. Repeated violations may result in the removal of the archer from the competition at the tournament official’s discretion.
- Target pins cannot be larger than 1.5” in any dimension from the surface of the target face.
- No archer shall draw a bow in any manner that if accidentally released could fly beyond a safety zone or a safety backstop. Sky draws are not permitted. A warning will be given on the first instance. The second instance will require the removal of the archer from the event.
- The maximum total width of the archer and their equipment may not extend into the adjacent shooting lanes.
- Any incident requiring immediate decision must be brought to the attention of a judge. All protests must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director within one hour of the conclusion of the round where the incident occurred, accompanied by $50 USD. The Tournament Rules Committee will convene approximately 1 hour after the last scoring end of each day to decide the outcome of each protest. All decisions of the Tournament Rules Committee will be final. The $50 protest fee will be returned if the Tournament Rules Committee rules in favor of the protest. No protests are allowed during shoot offs, judges decisions are final.
Equipment Failure
- In the event of equipment failure, step back from the shooting line and raise your hand above your head. A judge will come to your assistance. The archer will have 15 minutes of repair time without holding up the tournament. One practice end will be allowed. The archer shall be allowed to shoot any arrows missed during the 15 minutes. All make-up arrows will be shot at the end of the round. There will be no allowance for equipment failure in shoot offs.
Scoring Rules
- Rcherz is the official electronic system for scoring. Archers are assigned their a,b,c or d placement which determines the order for scoring. When scoring, archers identify who is the caller, scorer and target captain for their bale. The Captain helps to settle the final call on an arrow. If the group can’t determine a final score, then a line judge is called. A,b,c,d physical target face placement is first come first serve. Archers will be responsible for understanding the scoring procedures and verifying their scores. Free access will be provided to a link and mobile app where scores will be available on smartphones.
- A judge will make all decisions on scoring questionable arrows; their decisions are final.
- All arrows must remain in the target, untouched, until scoring is completed. Once scoring is completed please mark all arrow holes.
- Any archer intentionally touching any questionable arrow or any part of the target assembly (including other arrows, faces, pins, mat or stand) will result in the questionable arrow being scored in the lower scoring area. If it happens more than once, then the archer will be disqualified.
- The three-spot target face is scored on the gold (10,9), red (8,7), and blue (6) rings. The target face must be placed on the mat in an upright position.
- Arrows must touch the line to be in the next highest scoring area.
- Any arrow that passes beyond the shooting line a distance greater than 10 feet as measured to the closest part of the arrow, will be considered a shot arrow. See mark on the floor.
- If an arrow is embedded in the target beyond the nock, a judge must be called and the arrow should not be touched. If the arrow is touched before the judge arrives, then the arrow is not scored.
- Each competitor must complete and sign his own scorecard. Both scorers must also sign it. When there is a difference on the two cards, the lowest score must be taken. Scoring phone and paper scorecards must be turned in at the scoring table, immediately following shooting.
- All scoring on the official scorecard must be completed in ink. Any changes on the official scorecard must be agreed upon and initialed by all archers in the scoring group. Any archer turning in an incorrect scorecard will be subject to disqualification.
Equipment Rules
- All divisions will follow NFAA Shooting Styles and Equipment Rule
Other information
- Must be ages 50+ to compete
- Age determination date for all divisions: Sunday, June 8, 2025
Schedule Coming Soon
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